Archive for June 2011



Tools Description of System Hacking - Keylogger
Actual Spy Keylogger
Actual Spy - is a keylogger which allows you to find out what other users do on your computer
in your absence. It is designed for the hidden computer monitoring and the monitoring of the
computer activity. Keylogger Actual Spy is capable of catching all keystrokes, capturing the
screen, logging the programs being run and closed, monitoring the clipboard contents.
Ardamax Keylogger
Ardamax Keylogger is a keystroke recorder that captures user's activity and saves it to an encrypted log
file. The log file can be viewed with the powerful Log Viewer. Use this tool to find out what is happening
on your computer while you are away, maintain a backup of your typed data automatically or use it to
monitor your kids. Also you can use it as a monitoring device for detecting unauthorised access. Logs can
be automatically sent to your e-mail address, access to the keylogger is password protected. Besides,
Ardamax Keylogger logs information about the Internet addresses the user has visited.
Ghost Keylogger
Ghost Keylogger invisibly captures all keystrokes to a logfile or optionally sends them to a predefined
email address
Golden Keylogger
If you have teenage son or daughter (some of us have both), then you know how crazy they are about
chatting and instant messaging. We know that it's not all that innocent. TV news are packed with stories
when strangers tried to take advantage of innocent children by using internet chats and IM (instant
messaging). The problem is so big that FBI has a task force that works 24 hours a day 365 days a year.
Another problem that recently got a lot of publicity is bullying and name-calling with instant messengers.
While your kids may not be honest with you about who they are chatting with and what they discuss, you
have the way to know exactly what's going on without invading your kids' privacy. How? Golden
Home Keylogger
Home Keylogger is intended for interception and recording in a file of everything that is entered from the
keyboard. The program is able to work in the hidden mode and to emerge on pressing a combination of keys.
Home Keylogger is able to present the recorded data in a neat way that is easy to read but at the same time fixing
exactly every event that has been done. By constantly using this program you will save your time by preventing
accidental data damage and loss that is frequently caused by the use of Internet. You can immediately restore the
text which was typed yesterday, the day before yesterday, or one week ago. Home Keylogger will also help to
recollect passwords that you have forgotten or to recover lost e-mail.
Invisible Keylogger
Invisible is a full featured pc and Internet activity monitoring software that enables you to record
everything on your pc. This product is extremely stealth and packs a big punch.
KGB Keylogger
Imagine you are writing an e-mail message. Then you click a wrong button or your e-mail client hangs and
you have to write the same text from scratch. Sounds familiar? With KGB Free Keylogger, you will never
lose any of your text, whether it was typed in an e-mail client, a text editor, an on-line form or anywhere
else. This free program logs everything you type. Get your passwords, registration keys and other info
safely logged.
Invisible Keylogger
Software has enhanced feature to record keystroke activities in encrypted log file with option to
mail the log report at your specified email address. Helps to provide full control on your PC and
act as powerful surveillance utility for Home and Office usage.
Remote Keylogger
Powerful and easy to use Computer Keylogger is a Stealth Keylogger to monitor your PC being
hidden while maintaining absolute secrecy in your absence.
Soft Central Keylogger
SC-KeyLog PRO is a powerful digital surveillance monitor that logs computer activity for later review.
Our spy program allows you to secretly record computer user activities such as e-mails, chat
conversations, visited web sites, clipboard usage and more in a protected logfile. SC-KeyLog PRO even
captures Windows user logon passwords!
Stealth Keylogger
Keylogger Software efficiently monitors the entire typed keystrokes activities of external user
performed on your PC or Laptops. Easy to use utility records each keyboard entries including
composed emails, chat records, typed web url’s, passwords, text etc.
Software has enhanced feature to record keystroke activities in encrypted log file with option to
mail the log report at your specified email address. Helps to provide full control on your PC and
act as powerful surveillance utility for Home and Office usage.
Winvestigator Keylogger
Winvestigator™ is a user monitoring program that starts on boot, and runs undetectable in Windows. It
even takes pictures so you can really see what is going on! Although powerful, this program was designed
to be easy to use. Offering a web page style interface and a thorough help resource.
Winvestigator can send the log over email so you can monitor a computer without having to physically
access it.

                                  Download tool from below URL

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                                              Password Recovery Tools

Tools Description of System Hacking – Password Recovery Tools

          Asterisk Password Recovery
Reveals passwords hidden under password dialog boxes and web pages asterisks.
         Chrome Password Recovery
It is a small password recovery tool that allows you to view the user names and passwords stored
by Google Chrome Web browser. For each password entry, the following information is
displayed: Origin URL, Action URL, User Name Field, Password Field, User Name, Password,
and Created Time. You can select one or more items and then save them into text/html/xml file
or copy them to the clipboard.
Dial Up Password Recovery
This utility enumerates all Dial-Up entries on your computer and reveals their logon details: User
Name, Password and Domain. It works perfectly in the following operating systems: Windows
95, Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows NT, Windows 2000, and Windows XP. In Windows
2000 and Windows XP, the Dialupass utility can reveal the Dial-Up passwords only if you are
logged on with administrator privileges.
E-mail Password Recovery
You've forgotten your Outlook PST password or Mail account passwords? Probably you have
lost a note, where your password was written? Password Recovery Engine for Outlook can help
you immediately. One click and you get your lost password back.
Firefox Password Recovery
Firefox Password Recovery presents itself as a handy tool enabling you to restore any cached
passwords for such popular web browsers as Mozilla and Mozilla Firefox. The program will
provide you with the list of website passwords straight after you start it.
Firefox Password Recovery is very convenient as it provides all the passwords instantly,
regardless to their length and complexity. You will certainly appreciate that the utility can both
recover passwords typed in any language and easily restore multilingual passwords. Using this
helpful utility you can immediately restore passwords for websites, requiring access passwords
and even decrypt passwords protected with the User Master Password.
The program interface is pretty simple and comes with such useful features as copying of the
retrieved data to clipboard and saving it in a formatted text file, so you won’t lose it again. If you
want to be sure that no one else uses Firefox Password Recovery while you are away you can set
an access password and prevent any unauthorized program start
Internet Explorer Password Recovery
Internet Explorer Password Recovery is a comprehensive solution for recovering all types of
Internet Explorer saved passwords: cached credentials, FTP passwords, Internet Explorer
AutoForm and AutoComplete fields, AutoComplete passwords, synchronization passwords,
Identities, Content Advisor password. It's the first program in the world that can decrypt
Internet Explorer passwords manually from registry binary files.
Messenger Password Recovery
Messenger Password Recovery is a password recovery tool that reveals the passwords of the
instant messenger applications.
Network Password Recovery
When you connect to a network share on your LAN or to your .NET Passport account,
Windows allows you to save your password in order to use it in each time that you connect the
remote server. This utility recovers all network passwords stored on your system for the current
logged-on user. It can also recover the passwords stored in Credentials file of external drive, as
long as you know the last log-on password.
Powerpoint Password Recovery
PowerPoint Password Recovery is a program that allows recovery of lost or forgotten passwords
required to open or modify password-protected Microsoft PowerPoint presentations. The
program supports all versions of Microsoft PowerPoint, including 2007.
RAR, DOC, EXCEL, PDF Password Recovery
These are the programs those recover lost or forgotten passwords for Microsoft Word
documents, Microsoft Excel Sheets, WinRar Archives, Adobe PDF Files. The program recovers
all types of passwords, including instant recovery of document and template protection and
passwords to modify.
These programs instantly recover passwords for the read only permissions, editing and
formatting restrictions, including instant recovery of passwords to open if weak encryption was
used. The interface is simple and easy to understand, yet the functionality and the set of features
are truly immense.
Remote Desktop Password Recovery
Remote Desktop Connections passwords are stored in *.rdp files, which are normally located in
current user's 'My Documents' folder. When you select the manual mode, NPRW will
automatically scan your disk searching for these files. If the program was unable to find a *.rdp
file automatically, you can try locating it manually and entering path to it by hand.
VNC Password Recovery
VNC Password Recovery is a small Windows utility that recover the passwords stored by the
VNC tool. It can recover 2 of passwords: password stored for the current logged-on user
(HKEY_CURRENT_USER in the Registry), and password stored for the all users.
Wireless Password Recovery
Wireless Password Recovery recovers all wireless network security keys/passwords (WEP/WPA)
stored in your computer by the 'Wireless Zero Configuration' service of Windows XP and by the
'WLAN AutoConfig' service of Windows Vista. It allows you to easily save all keys to
text/html/xml file, or copy a single key to the clipboard.

                                                     Download tool from below URL

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                                                Trojans hacking software  

                   Tools Description of Trojans - Trojan Softwares
Beast is a Windows-based backdoor trojan horse more commonly known in the underground
cracker community as a RAT (Remote Administration Tool). Beast was one of the first trojans to
feature a 'reverse connection' to its victims and once established, it gave the attacker complete

control over the infected computer.
Back Attack
Back Attack is a Windows Based Trojan horse, which can also be called as Remote
Administration Tool.
Back Orifice
BackOrifice Trojan when installed on a Microsoft Windows system, this backdoor trojan horse
program allows others to gain full access to the system through a network connection
Donald Dick

Backdoor Donald Dick 1.52 is a Trojan that opens up a backdoor program that, once installed
on a system, permits unauthorized users to remotely extract passwords, edit the registry, log
keystrokes, etc. Donald Dick runs from the server file "c:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\pnpmgr.pci"
over the ports 23476 and 23477 via TCP.
Girl Friend
The Girlfriend trojan horse is one of many trojan horse programs that attackers can use to access
your computer system without your knowledge or consent.
Net Bus
The Netbus trojan is one of the most famous trojans around. Its authored by Carl-Frederik
Neikter that is very similar to the "Back Orifice" trojan distributed by CdC. It allows ANYONE

running the client portion to connect and control ANYONE running the server portion of it,
with the same rights and privileges as the currently logged on user.
Snow Door
Snow Door is a trojan program with help of this hacker can gain access of Victim.
Sub Seven
Sub7 or Subseven Gold (also known as Backdoor-G and all of its variants) is the most well
known Trojan backdoor application available. You can download the setup-file of Sub7 from

                           Download tool from below URL

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Web Server As a Target

Web Server As a Target tools

Tools Description of Trojans - Trojan Softwares
Beast is a Windows-based backdoor trojan horse more commonly known in the underground
cracker community as a RAT (Remote Administration Tool). Beast was one of the first trojans to
feature a 'reverse connection' to its victims and once established, it gave the attacker complete
control over the infected computer.
Back Attack
Back Attack is a Windows Based Trojan horse, which can also be called as Remote
Administration Tool.
Back Orifice
BackOrifice Trojan when installed on a Microsoft Windows system, this backdoor trojan horse
program allows others to gain full access to the system through a network connection
Donald Dick
Backdoor Donald Dick 1.52 is a Trojan that opens up a backdoor program that, once installed
on a system, permits unauthorized users to remotely extract passwords, edit the registry, log
keystrokes, etc. Donald Dick runs from the server file "c:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\pnpmgr.pci"
over the ports 23476 and 23477 via TCP.
Girl Friend
The Girlfriend trojan horse is one of many trojan horse programs that attackers can use to access
your computer system without your knowledge or consent.
Net Bus
The Netbus trojan is one of the most famous trojans around. Its authored by Carl-Frederik
Neikter that is very similar to the "Back Orifice" trojan distributed by CdC. It allows ANYONE
running the client portion to connect and control ANYONE running the server portion of it,
with the same rights and privileges as the currently logged on user.
Snow Door
Snow Door is a trojan program with help of this hacker can gain access of Victim.
Sub Seven
Sub7 or Subseven Gold (also known as Backdoor-G and all of its variants) is the most well
known Trojan backdoor application available. You can download the setup-file of Sub7 from

                             Download tool from below URL


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How to Prevent Email Password from Hackers

How to Prevent Email Password from Hackers

Hello friends, in my previous posts i have discussed how to hack email accounts or passwords using several techniques. As i have said there i will share with you how to prevent email account password from hackers. This is a complete guide to protect yourself from being hacked and secure your personal information from getting leaked or used by anybody online. This guide will also help you to learn several latest techniques that hackers use to hack email accounts and passwords. So guys lets discuss how to protect or prevent your email account passwords from getting hacked. Its a must read post for all online users who uses email and social networking websites.
As its a Great saying " Prevention is better than Cure".  So you must know to prevent yourself rather than curing after got victimized or falling prey to these hacking attacks.

prevent email password from getting hacked by hackers
Protect or Prevent email account password

Complete Guide to prevent your Email Passwords from Hackers:
1. Don't use the links in an email, instant message, or chat to get to any web page if you suspect the message might not be authentic or you don't know the sender or user's handle. Instead, call the company on the telephone, or log onto the website directly by typing in the Web address in your browser.
2. Avoid filling out forms in email messages that ask for personal financial information.
3. You should only communicate information such as credit card numbers or account
information via a secure website or the telephone.  Always ensure that you're using a secure website when submitting credit card or other sensitive information via your Web browser.
  • Phishers are now able to 'spoof,' or forge BOTH the "https://" that you normally see when you're on a secure Web server AND a legitimate-looking address. You may even see both in the link of a spam email. Again, make it a habit to enter the address of any banking, shopping, auction, or financial transaction website yourself and not depend on displayed links.  
  • Phishers may also forge the yellow lock you would normally see near the bottom of your screen on a secure site. The lock has usually been considered as another indicator that you are on a 'safe' site. The lock, when double-clicked, displays the security certificate for the site. If you get any warnings displayed that the address of the site you have displayed does NOT match the certificate, do not continue. 
  • Remember not all spam sites will try to show the "https://" and/or the security lock. Get
    in the habit of looking at the address line, too. Were you directed to PayPal? Does the
    address line display something different like
    ""  Be aware of where you are going. 

4. Consider installing a Web browser tool bar to help protect you from known fraudulent websites. These toolbars match where you are going with lists of known phisher Web
sites and will alert you.  
The newer version of Internet Explorer version 7 or 8 beta includes this tool bar as does FireFox Verison 4.xx or 5 Beta too.
5. Regularly log into your online accounts. Don't leave it for as long as a month before you check each account.

6. Regularly check your bank, credit and debit card statements to ensure that all transactions are legitimate (or legal) and done by you or in your supervision. If anything is suspicious or you don't recognize the transaction, contact your bank and all card issuers.
7. Ensure that your browser is up to date and security patches applied.

8. Never Download anything from anonymous links or links in email accounts or chat boxes.
9. Always avoid downloading cracks, keygens and patches as most of these contains Trojans and Malware content that will leak you personal data to hackers.

10. Regularly update your antivirus and anti-spyware software so that all new viruses are detectable and can be repaired easily.

11. While Installing freewares always take precautions and don't install the additional recommended things by the software's. Install only those that you know or that might be useful for you. And never install toolbars as their codes are dynamic that means they can be used to steal your private secured data such as credit card details, email accounts information and other personal data such as your searching patterns and your computer event logs etc.
Few more Important Things that you should always remember:

Always report "phishing" or “spoofed” e-mails to the following groups:  
  • forward the email to  
  • forward the email to the Federal Trade Commission at  
  • forward the email to the "abuse" email address at the company that is being
    spoofed (e.g. "")  
  • when forwarding spoofed messages, always include the entire original email with
    its original header information intact  
  • notify The Internet Crime Complaint Center of the FBI by filing a complaint on
    their website:

Some Tips while choosing your Passwords:
  • Choose a complex password. If you use a simple password such as "password" or "rockstar" or any dictionary word, it makes it easy for people to guess your password. This is especially true if your potential hackers are friends and family members who might try to guess. Instead, choose a password that makes use of both capital and lower case letters, numbers and special characters like the percent or dollar sign.
  • Change your password regularly. Every month, make a point of changing your password to a new complex.

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facebook hack1

Hello friends welcome again, Today i am going to show you the way "How to hack Facebook accounts or passwords". In my previous article "how to hack email account" and "how to hack gmail password or accounts" i have told you the three methods to hack any email account and in gmail hack hack was only limited to gmail only. Today i am going to share the similar technique to hack Facebook account. So guys read on..

Today I will tell you the latest approach of Hacking Facebook Passwords or Accounts i.e "Smart Phishing with Email trap". And guys  you will be surprised to listen that what is the victim's trap ratio in Smart phishing trap is above 70% means , at least 70% people will going to come into your trap and success ratio is 100% means their accounts is yours ROFL. First of all What is "Smart Phishing with Email trap" ..

Normal phishing is technique to hack passwords by fooling the victim make him login to particular website suing your phish or fake page. But normal phishing is easily detectable. But Smart Phishing with Email trap is almost undetectable and I will show you How its undetectable. In smart phishing we send HTML mails to the victim with same header as that of original mails by email address that looks similar to original one. And ask user to join some Group or watch video or read comment etc.. And mail looks that user has to enter in it and his password is ours. Here we exploit the fact that Most users who uses Facebook are subscribed to notification by their friends. So its quite easier to exploit fact. 

How to Hack Facebook Passwords or Accounts ?

1. First of all download the Facebook Phisher.

2. Extract the rar file now you will get three files as given below:
  •       index.html
  •       passes.txt
  •       write.php
3. Upload all the Three files to any of the free Web hosting server. Remember while creating the  account on these servers try the username as nearer as possible to the original URL like faccbook or facobook etc.. As its the most crucial step. Some Free Web hosting servers are given below you can also find few more for yourself.

4. Once you have uploaded all the three files to web hosting server now you have to send these to your victim. This is the most important step regarding smart phishing technique.
Below are some sample mails that will help you to understand how to TRAP victim effectively.

Sample Is shown Below:  This the sample email that comes to your email account from facebook.

Now You have to edit this mail. Open this email and click on forward  now you will see this email in editable mode now remove the forwarded headers etc and forward from Header.

Remember your Name in Gmail must be Facebook and email account should be like etc... Now you have to put the Fake link of index.html file that u have got after uploading on the Web hosting server in place of Two exploit points. Remember always put link in href and original text should be as such. And also try to keep the link as much as closer to facebook original link.

Similarly you can use JOIN This Group on Facebook sample mail and Watch this video on Facebook in the similar fashion i have told you.

5. Now After sending phisher to victim, once the user logs in to his Facebook account using your Phisher, his user ID and password are ours..And these are stored in passes.txt What you have to do is just refresh your Web hosting account files. 

6. The Log.txt file will contain the passwords and look like this:


Thats all Now you have hacked the password of victim. I hope you all have Liked It. 

HOW to Protect Your Facebook Account?

1. Never Follow any link from the any website or email. Always open manually and then enter credentials.
2. Always check the URL in the address bar while joining any Group.

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facebook hack Friends, in my previous post i have explained 4 ways to hack Facebook account password, where i have discussed the second best method to hack Facebook password is using Keyloggers. Today i will explain you how to hack Facebook password using keylogger.

Today i will explain you in detail with snapshots how to create your Facebook hacker keylogger, its a 100% Fully undetectable keylogger you can check this file using Virus total.  Its a 100% FUD remote keylogger with several advanced features. 
Today i will disclose you how i hacked 19000+ accounts, its so easy that anyone can do it. On my website you will never get any infected tool. If you have any doubt or feel something suspicious always test the link or file with virus total website before downloading. Never believe any website including mine also, always scan download links with virus total website or any such website before downloading it. Download it only when it does not have any virus.

Hack Facebook password using Keylogger Involves following steps:
1.  Create your Server that will hack passwords.
2. Extract the Icons from any software
3. Bind the Keylogger to make it Hidden
4. Spread your keylogger to victims

Note: This tutorial is for Educational Purposes only. I and Isoftdl is not responsible for any misuse of knowledge.

Let's start Facebook hacking tutorial in detail :

STEP1 : Create Server for Hacking Passwords
First of all for hacking any facebook account password, we have to create our keylogger server that will run on victims machine or PC and capture his keystrokes and mail us on the email account that we will use to build the keylogger. The keylogger server building process consists of several steps. 
The steps involved are mentioned below in detail:
1. First of all download the Keylogger.
Download Keylogger from here: CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD 

2. Extract the RAR file. Now you will get one Folder and three files as shown in below snapshot:

how to hack facebook account and passwords using keyloggers
Snapshot of Extracted Files
 3. Now open the Keylogger file. Here you will need gmail ID and password. For safer use create a fake Gmail account and use it here as shown below:

learn how to hack facebook passwords
Facebook Hacker Initial Step
4. Now Click on server settings as shown. Here enter the time after which you want to receive reports, its always preferable to use 20 min timer for receiving files.  And Click on Output box to choose location of file and give it any name. Its always recommended to use system process name to make it undetectable like svchost or check any process name from your task manager and name it. Other fields are optional. The complete snapshot is shown below:

hacking facebook passwords
Second step to choose time interval and name of output file

5. Now Click on Log and Result Setting. In Log EMail Title enter the subject of email like My keylogger report or simply my report or something else that you like. Also Click the last two options that i.e add Computer name and add victim name. The snapshot is shown below:

hack facebook account
Hack Facebook account password using Keylogger
6. Now Click on Other Options.  In this section you just have to do one thing. Most hackers prefer warning message POP up but I love keylogger using any message. So unclick message button. Because when you bind it with any other software then it should not any warning messages otherwise it will be detectable.

7. Now at last click on Build Keylogger. Now after you click on it you will see your keylogger file at location that you have chosen in 4th step. Now this keylogger server file will be used to bind with any other software in Binding Step.

8. Now you keylogger server is ready that you will use to hack Facebook accounts. That's all for the server creation step now move to second main step.

Step 2.: Extracting the Icon file from any installer(resource hacker)
1. Open the Resource hacker folder and open the reshacker file.
2. Now go to its menu and open any setup file. Suppose we want to attach our keylogger to Ccleaner setup file. So open the Ccleaner setup with resource hacker. 
3. Now in menu there is one action button click on it and then click save all resources.

how to hack facebook passwords,facebook hack, how to hack into someones facebook
Resource Hacker to Extract the Icon files from software's

4. Now save all the resources to desktop or any other location of your choice.
5. It consists of two files one is icon file and other is res file . We only need icon file, so you can delete the other file i.e res file.
6. Now we have Icon of installer file(as discussed above Ccleaner setup Icon).

Step 3: Bind the Keylogger server with any software
1. Now Go to keylogger folder and open the Binder.
2. Now Click on + button given below to add files.
3. Now add the keylogger server and the set up of software (i.e. in our case it's Ccleaner setup).
4. Now in menu of Binder, Go to Settings. There select the icon that we have generated in the previous step and set the location of output file as shown in figure.

facebook password hack,how to hack someones facebook,facebook password hacker,facebook hacking
Bind the Keylogger server to Software

5. Now again go to File's menu in Binder and click on Bind files.
6. Now your Binded keylogger is ready. Now you have to spread it or send it to the victim that is your friend.

Step4 : How to Spread Keylogger or send it to victim or friend
1. Now you have one Software setup file with keylogger attached with it.(In our case we have Ccleaner setup with keylogger attached with it.
2. Now Spread your keylogger through forums. You might be a member of various forums use them to spread your keylogger in form of software posts. You can use various software's to spread them that users frequently download.
3. Spread it through pendrives or USB hard drives. Suppose a friend asked you for a software give it the software that has keylogger attached with it. 
Note: you can also attach keylogger with images also. But that can be detectable by antivirus. So avoid such type of hacking.
So isn't that so easy to hack anyone's Facebook account in just few minutes. 

How to protect yourself from these hacks?
Prevention is always better than cure so always follow these steps:
1. Don't use cracked softwares and don't download them from unauthorized websites.
2. Always keep your antivirus and anti-spyware up to date.
3. Always scan the files before transferring them to your USB.
4. Do not allow other users to use your PC i.e password protect it.


Note: Hacking Email accounts is illegal. This post is just to aware you how easy is to hack Facebook and email accounts. So that you cannot fall into the traps of hackers.

I hope you all have liked it. If you have any queries ask me.  Please comment if you like my posts. Thanks for reading....

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The principle is simple:
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Link to the script for FileServe:
Link to the script for filesonic:
Link to the script for wupload:

after  click on generate ...on next page click download

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